@XclusivTechs Digital Webmaster Agency



  1. introduction to competition – what is competition and where do they distribute?

  2. competition SEO, products, and channels – Keywords and conversation that bring traffic to your competitors.

  3. competitive analysis – Audit your competitor’s websites and review their social media profiles.

  4. summary and action planning – create a plan and buyer personas for an effective customer journey.

do you sell soap, then let’s review your type of soap.

do you provide services in zip code 11203, then let’s review who sells in that target area.

do you plan to sell online, then let’s find out where online it’s being sold.

do you see similar sellers everywhere? Amazon, eBay, etc… then who’s leading them!

Create a document on google, label its competition, and let’s research your brand’s competition.

why would someone buy that product?

where do they review that product?

what links have the worst reviews?

which sellers have the best reviews?

what is similar and what is different?

would you buy or work with them? why or why not?

what term do they use the most? burger or hamburger, soap or body wash examples.

not every competitor has the best of all products, some lead among others.

home depot and Lowes are the leaders in home goods, however, in certain areas they do not service, so who leads?

Find out how and who you represent, where, and place your brand as BRAND D… Brand D will compare, Get ready!

review the steps for social media researching keywords.

repeat for LinkedIn and Facebook. With and without #

these images will guide you to learn about searching the top 3 engines, we would like your website and map profile in all 3 engines.

Creating 3-4 buyer profiles and reviewing the search to shopping cart checkout process. Do not purchase or use personal information. This process is a sample test of what a buyer’s experience is like for competitors and your platform.

  1. how did the buyer find you? write down the keywords and links used.

  2. able to review products or services?

  3. able to call to action for purchase or quote?

  4. able to confirm for (them) the buyer and the seller (you)?

  5. Follow-up and reminders, tracking and reviews?

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